International Shipping Restrictions, Prohibitions, & HAZMAT

When you ship something from the United States to another country, you must follow both USPS® international shipping regulations and the regulations of the destination country:

  • 有些物品是禁止的(完全禁止)。
  • 有些是受限的(在某些条件下允许)。
  • Hazardous materials (HAZMAT), also known as Dangerous Goods (DG), may be prohibited or restricted.

If you're shipping within the U.S., see Domestic Shipping Prohibitions & Restrictions.

提醒: 自 2024 年 11 月 29 日 起,由于加拿大邮政工作者联盟罢工,前往加拿大的国际邮件服务暂停。了解详情

提醒: Mercury (a silver metal that's liquid at room temperature) is prohibited and can't be mailed internationally, whether by itself; in devices like antique thermometers, barometers, and switches; or as mercury vapor contained in devices like compact fluorescent lamps. 了解更多信息


  • If you're not allowed to ship an item in the U.S., you're not allowed to ship it to any other country.
  • Other items are specifically prohibited from being mailed to any other country.
  • Finally, each country has its own rules on what it will and won't allow: Find your destination country in the Individual Country Listings.

Shipments to U.S. military bases and embassies (APO/FPO/DPO) in foreign countries are treated like domestic mail, but they are still subject to those countries' laws.

所有 USPS 客户均负责:

  1. Complying with Postal Service regulations and U.S. related laws and regulations.
  2. Complying with the laws of your destination country.
    • Review the Individual Country Listings to discover if the destination country permits your item.
    • Know that a country’s size and weight standards may differ from USPS standards.
  3. 安全包装您的包裹,并根据要求对其进行标记。您可以将您的包裹带到 Post Office 邮局地点,以确保其贴有正确标签。
  4. Accurately filling out customs forms (including more-detailed package descriptions required by countries that follow European Union (EU) customs rules).

Shipping Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) & Dangerous Goods (DG) Internationally

Hazardous materials (also known as dangerous goods) are substances that could injure people or cause damage if not handled properly, like chemicals or flammable items.

HAZMAT 还包括锂电池(如手机和电子产品中的电池);它们含有大量能量,可能具有火灾风险。

  • Some HAZMAT is prohibited—you can't send it through USPS and must use another carrier.
  • 其他 HAZMAT 受到限制,如果您遵守所有规则,您可以邮寄它。
  • Some HAZMAT can only be sent in ground transportation—it can't go on airplanes.
  • 如果您要邮寄包含有害物质 (HAZMAT) 的包裹,您必须将 HAZMAT 包裹与所有其他包裹分开,并将它们放在标有“HAZMAT”的容器中。

如果您故意邮寄对生命、健康或财产有危险或伤害的材料,则每次违规将面临至少 250 美元(但不超过 100,000 美元)的民事处罚、任何清理费用和损害赔偿。您也可能面临刑事处罚。

Internationally Prohibited Items

These items may not be sent from the United States to any country:

  • 烟雾剂
  • 气囊
  • 酒精性饮料
  • 弹药
  • 香烟
  • 干冰
  • 易爆物品
  • 汽油
  • Hemp-based products (including cannabidiol [CBD])
  • 大麻(医疗或其他用途)
  • Mercury, including both liquid mercury (by itself and in older devices, like thermometers, barometers, and switches) and mercury vapor (found in devices like compact fluorescent bulbs)
  • 指甲油
  • 香水(含酒精)
  • Poisons

Additionally, each country has its own rules on what it will and won't allow: Find your destination country in the Individual Country Listings.

Internationally Restricted Items

Restricted items may only be sent out of the United States if they meet USPS domestic requirements and the shipping requirements of the destination country.

USPS Publication 52 - Domestic Restrictions
Requirements by Country & Locality

Open or Close content below Cigars

Cigars may only be mailed to countries that allow cigar shipments.




USPS® 是唯一运送火化遗骸(人类或宠物骨灰)的寄件公司。You may ship cremated remains internationally (if the destination country permits) but must use Priority Mail Express International® and the appropriate customs form. You are required to use a properly sealed funeral urn as the inner primary container. For the outer shipping package, you must use one of our two Cremated Remains Kits or use your own strong, durable container, properly packaged and labeled with Cremated Remains Label 139 on all four sides of the box, plus top and bottom. 在 The Postal Store® 免费订购火化遗骸寄件物资供应。

出版物 139 - 如何包装和运送火化遗骸

打开或关闭以下内容 枪支

仅授权制造商和经销商可邮寄或接收枪支。Many countries have distinct domestic laws impacting the shipping and receipt of firearms.

Additional Information on Domestic Regulations & Guidelines Applicable to International Shipping
Additional Information on International Shipping Regulations


胶水的闪点范围较为广泛。Most glues are flammable and combustible and may not be mailed internationally. 在以下资源中,胶水被归类为“粘合剂”。



Only lithium cells and batteries that are properly installed in the equipment they are intended to operate may be mailed internationally or to APO/FPO/DPO locations if the destination country and APO/FPO/DPO permit their receipt.

Prohibited Lithium Battery Shipments

  • Lithium batteries packed with, but not installed in, equipment
  • Lithium batteries sent separately from equipment
  • Damaged or recalled batteries
  • All pre-owned, damaged, or defective electronic devices containing or packaged with lithium batteries



除了在有限的情况下,不得邮寄宠物和温血动物。活体动物(包括家禽、爬行动物和蜜蜂)的邮寄有非常详细的包装要求。Although you can drop these animals at any Post Office location, they are only shipped when the right transportation is available.

Additional Regulations on Shipping Live Animals Internationally








通过邮件发送药品时,寄件人和托运人必须了解他们要发送的物品的特征并正确对其处理。药物是受控物质,必须遵守严格的法规。处方药只能由药品执行管理局 (DEA) 注册经销商进行邮寄。类似规定适用于一些非处方药。


Open or Close content below Paint

Flammable or combustible paint and paint-related items may not be shipped internationally. 不可燃或不易燃的乳胶漆或类似的水性漆产品并非受管制为危险材料,因此不受限制。





提醒:Each country has its own rules on what it will and won’t allow: Find your destination country in the Individual Country Listings.

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