eVS Label
USPS Web Tools
Application Programming Interface
Version 4.20 (01/22/2025)
4.1.1 Priority Mail Express Label
4.1.7 Priority Mail Cubic Label
4.1.8 Priority Mail Domestic Integrated Customs Form (P.S. Form 2976-A)
4.1.9 Priority Express Mail Domestic Integrated Customs Form (P.S. Form 2976-B)
4.1.10 Ground Advantage Domestic Integrated Customs Form (P.S. Form 2976-A)
4.1.11 Standard Mail Marketing Parcel (SMMP) Domestic Integrated Customs Form (P.S. Form 2976)
4.1.12 Parcel Select Destination Entry
4.2 Appendix B - Special Situations
4.2.2 Shipping to a Parcel Locker
4.3 Appendix C - Parcel Select Service Combinations
4.4 Appendix D - Categories for International Shipping Regulatory Mandates
This document contains a Reference Guide to the eVS Label API. See the Developers Guide to learn the administrative process for gaining access to the Web Tools APIs as well as the basic mechanism for calling the APIs and processing the results. The Developers Guide also contains information on testing and troubleshooting.
注意:The Request Parameter sections present the XML input tags for generating live requests along with the restrictions on the values allowed. An error message will be returned if an incorrect value is entered. Also, be aware of the maximum character amounts allowed for some tags. If the user enters more than those amounts, an error will not be generated. Web Tools will simply pass in the characters up to the maximum amount allowed and disregard the rest. This is important since the resulting value could prevent a correct response.
When building the XML request, pay particular attention to the order and case for tags. An error message will be returned if an incorrect value is entered. Remember that all data and attribute values in this document are for illustration purposes and are to be replaced by your actual values. For instance, a line of sample code may be:
In this instance, you will replace 12345 with the destination ZIP Code for the domestic-bound package.
For label specifications such as package dimensions, delivery information, etc., please refer to the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) at http://pe.usps.com/.
For information specific to domestic mail pieces sent to an Army Post Office (APO), Fleet Post Office (FPOs), Diplomatic Post Offices (DPO), and/or U.S. Possessions, Territories, and Freely Associated States (PTFAS) see the DMM at http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/703.htm and http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/608.htm.
Whether you are a new or existing mailer, USPS strongly suggests a conversation with you to discuss your business requirements so your account will be properly configured. To initiate this conversation please contact the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) at 877-264-9693 Option 4 and request a referral to an Operations Integration Specialist (OIS) and Technical Integration Specialist (TIS). USPS will align the appropriate team to assist with swift onboarding.
Depending on your needs, your account may be configured in many flexible ways; however, each account will be configured with credentials in a master/child relationship. Minimally, credentials will be established as follows:
A master Mailer ID is created
o Child Mailer IDs are created for each origin site and may be created as needed by the requirements of your business units and brands.
A permit number is created
o Additional permit numbers may be created as needed by the requirements of your business units and brands
A CAPS Debit account is created for payment processing
o Additional CAPS Debit accounts may be created as needed
Your Operations Integration Specialist and Technical Integration Specialist will be involved at the local and national levels to ensure successful launch and introduction to appropriate production support teams.
注意:All Label APIs handle a pipe special character (|) as a space. Integrators are recommended to not include a pipe special character (|) in the API request. If a pipe is provided in the API request, Web Tools will treat as a space where applicable in the API XML response, label image, Shipping Partner Event File, and Shipping Services File.
注意:All Label APIs can accept a trademark symbol () in the XML request but any response from the API will strip the symbol from the text (e.g., Firm Name) and will not display the symbol on the printed labels.
The only option for creating outbound shipping labels through our APIs requires eVS setup/enrollment. In general, eVS:
Requires 50 pieces or 50 pounds per mailing
Requires a permit imprint
Requires payment via ACH debit daily (no other forms of payment)
Handles origin entered mail
Requires enrollment and new Mailer IDs (MIDs) and permits
Supports domestic/international/APO/FPO/DPO/PTFAS locations
Supports Parcel Select Destination Entry (PSDE) label creation
Supports Global Direct Entry (GDE)
eVS, or Electronic Verification System, allows high-volume package mailers and package consolidators to document and pay postage, including special service fees, using electronic manifest files. The files are transmitted over the Internet to a Postal Service database.
If you want to explore using eVS, please first contact the eVS@usps.gov.
For registration please visit: https://zh.usps.com/postalone/evs.htm. If that will not work for you, then you can follow up with sales@usps.gov (or your local Postmaster or USPS Sales Manager) for additional solutions outside of the Web Tools API suite.
Scheme |
Host |
小道 |
https:// |
secure.shippingapis.com |
/ShippingAPI.dll? |
&XML=(see below) |
https:// |
secure.shippingapis.com |
/ShippingAPI.dll? |
API=eVSCertify |
&XML=(see below) |
The eVSCertify API signature is for testing purposes and will not generate usable labels and barcodes.
注意:GET HTTP requests have length restrictions, whereas POST HTTP requests do not. Please take this under consideration when determining the request-response method that you choose.
Tag Name |
Occurs |
描述 |
类型 |
Validation |
eVSRequest |
需要 |
(Group) |
eVSRequest / USERID |
需要 |
This attribute specifies your Web Tools user ID. See the Developer's Guide for information on obtaining your USERID. 例如:USERID="XXXXXXX" |
eVSRequest / PASSWORD |
需要 |
This attribute specifies your Web Tools password. See the Developer's Guide for information on your Password. 例如:PASSWORD="XXXXXXX" |
eVSRequest / Option |
Optional |
For future use. |
Empty |
eVSRequest/ Revision |
Optional |
Used to indicate API version. Use a value of 2 or above to return a shortened IMpb barcode in the <TrackingNumber> tag. Use a value of 3 to return a new ServiceType attribute in the <Postage> response tag that echoes the <ServiceType> used to price and generate the label. 例如:<Revision>3</Revision> |
String |
eVSRequest/ ImageParameters |
Optional |
(group) |
eVSRequest/ ImageParameters/ ImageParameter |
Optional |
Returns alternate label image. BARCODE ONLY- label option returns a barcode and Package ID Code (PIC) number without the return and delivery name and address. No label image is returned. CROP - reduces the image size to half-sheet (approximately), instructions sheet will be returned, and label image will return as a landscape orientation 4X6LABELL- Label image will return as a Landscape True size 4 inches vertical by 6 inches horizontal (image rotated 90 degrees from 4X6LABELP orientation, not returned on an 8.5 x 11 background page) 6X4Label Label image will be returned as traditional landscape orientation with the horizontal dimension longer than the vertical dimension (6 inches horizontal by 4 inches vertical) 4X6LABEL Label image will be returned as a Portrait orientation with the vertical dimension longer than the horizontal dimension (4 inches horizontal by 6 inches vertical) 4X6LABELP Label image with be returned as a Portrait True size 4 inches horizontal orientation by 6 inches vertical (not returned on an 8.5 x 11 background page) 4X6ZPL203DPI - (ZPL - Zebra Programming Language) format. When using this enumeration, <ImageType> is required - this tag cannot be left blank. Integrators should use either TIF or PDF for ZPL neither value will impact the label image itself, but it must be included in the request to return a successful response. 4X6ZPL300DPI Prints a label formatted for ZPL printers in 300 dpi. When using this enumeration, <ImageType> is required - this tag cannot be left blank. Integrators should use either TIF or PDF for ZPL neither value will impact the label image itself, but it must be included in the request to return a successful response. SEPARATECONTINUEPAGE will force the continuation page (if the item count causes the need for a continuation page) onto a separate page. This allows for two images to return, one label image and one continuation page 例如:<ImageParameter>4X6LABEL</ImageParameter> |
String |
eVSRequest/ ImageParameters/ XCoordinate |
Optional |
Value of the horizontal coordinate where the upper left corner of the label is placed. Combination of X and Y Coordinates will be validated to fit on the page. 例如:<XCoordinate>200</XCoordinate> |
Integer |
minValue=0 maxValue=900 default=500 (centered) |
eVSRequest/ ImageParameters/ YCoordinate |
Optional |
Value of the vertical coordinate where the upper left corner of the label is placed. Combination of X and Y Coordinates will be validated to fit on the page. 例如:<YCoordinate>250</YCoordinate> |
Integer |
minValue=0 maxValue=1000 default=450 (centered) |
eVSRequest / ImageParameters/ LabelSequence |
Optional |
To be used in the case of multiple packages.Not Required only one package. |
String |
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" |
eVSRequest / ImageParameters/ LabelSequence / PackageNumber |
需要 |
Required if <LabelSequence> is selected |
Integer |
minInclusive value = "1" maxInclusive value = "999" |
eVSRequest / ImageParameters / LabelSequence/ TotalPackages |
需要 |
Required if <LabelSequence> is selected |
Integer |
minInclusive value = "1" maxInclusive value = "999" |
eVSRequest/ FromName |
Conditionally Required |
Values for either First and Last Name of Sender or Firm must be sent. 例如:<FromName>AA BB</FromName> 注意: If a domestic customs form is required based on Destination, Customs Content Type, and Weight, then FromName must be used with at least 2 names with a minimum of 2 alpha characters A-Z each. |
String |
minLength=0 maxLength=100 |
eVSRequest/ FromFirm |
Conditionally Required |
Values for either First and Last Name of Sender or Firm must be sent. 例如:<FromFirm>USPS</FromFirm> 注意: If a domestic customs form is required based on Destination, Customs Content Type, and Weight, FromFirm must be used with at least 2 characters, or else an error will return. 注意: Maximum length printed on the label is 32 characters for all <ServiceType> enumerations. Values exceeding 32 characters will be truncated due to space limitations on the label. API request eligible to accept up to 50 characters. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ FromAddress1 |
Optional |
From address line 1. Use this field for secondary address information such as an apartment or suite number if applicable. 例如:<ToAddress1> Suite 4D </ToAddress1> 注意:When populating the address fields, do not include additional information such as building name or company. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ FromAddress2 |
需要 |
From address line 2. Use this field for a primary street address. 例如:<ToAddress2>1234 MAIN ST</ ToAddress2> 注意: When populating the address fields, do not include additional information such as building name or company. |
String |
minLength=1 |
eVSRequest/ FromCity |
需要 |
From city.
String |
minLength=1 |
eVSRequest/ FromState |
需要 |
From state. Value should be passed as two-letter state abbreviation.
String |
minLength=2 |
eVSRequest/ FromZip5 |
需要 |
From ZIP code.
String |
pattern=\d{5} |
eVSRequest/ FromZip4 |
Optional |
From ZIP+4 extension.
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ FromPhone |
Optional |
From Phone #. 10 digits required (including area code), with no punctuation. 例如:<FromPhone>2125551234</ FromPhone> 注意: This field is used to return on the receipt and label only when <ServiceType>= PRIORITY EXPRESS. |
String |
pattern=\d{30} |
eVSRequest/ POZipCode |
Optional |
ZIP Code of Post Office or collection box where item is mailed. May be different than FromZip5. This tag will take precedence over FromZip5 when provided. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 H1 pos. 7 Entry Facility ZIP Code field. 例如:<POZipCode>20770</ POZipCode> 说明:Required when <ServiceType>= PARCEL SELECT DE |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr |
Optional |
Allows Non-Validated Origin Street Address. Enter true to bypass street address validation failures/errors or false if only validated addresses should be allowed. Address validation will always occur if a matched valid address exists. 例如:<AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr>True </ AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> 注意: Integrators are recommended to always use false to ensure no delivery issues. In the event USPS cannot validate the street address, this tag will bypass address validation error when true is indicated to allow label creation which could impact delivery. The <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> excludes City, State, and ZIP Code which must be valid for a successful response. Reference https://pe.usps.com/text/pub28/28c2_001.htm. |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ ToName |
需要 |
Values for either First and Last Name of Recipient or Firm must be sent. 例如:<ToName>Smith</ ToName> 注意:If a domestic customs form is required based on Destination, Customs Content Type, and Weight, then ToName must be used with at least 2 names with a minimum of 2 alpha characters A-Z each. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToFirm |
需要 |
Values for either First and Last Name of Recipient or Firm must be sent. 例如:<ToFirm>ABC CORPORATION</ ToFirm> 注意: Maximum length printed on the label is 28 characters for all <ServiceType> enumerations. Values exceeding 28 characters will be truncated due to space limitations on the label. API request eligible to accept up to 50 characters. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToAddress1 |
Optional |
Recipient address line 1. Use this field for secondary address information such as an apartment or suite number if applicable. 例如:<ToAddress1> Suite 4D </ToAddress1> 注意: When populating the address fields, do not include additional information such as building name or company. 注意:Destination address ignored when <ParcelLocker>=true. When shipping to a Parcel Locker the <FacilityID> tag is required and used to determine destination address. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToAddress2 |
需要 |
Recipient address line 2. Use this field for a primary street address. 例如:<ToAddress2>1234 MAIN ST</ ToAddress2> 注意: When populating the address fields, do not include additional information such as building name or company. 注意:Destination address ignored when <ParcelLocker>=true. When shipping to a Parcel Locker the <FacilityID> tag is required and used to determine destination address. |
String |
minLength=1 |
eVSRequest/ ToCity |
需要 |
Recipient city. 例如:<ToCity>ANYTOWN</ ToCity> 注意:Destination address ignored when <ParcelLocker>=true. When shipping to a Parcel Locker the <FacilityID> tag is required and used to determine destination address. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToState |
需要 |
Recipient state. 例如:<ToState>MN</ ToState> 注意:Destination address ignored when <ParcelLocker>=true. When shipping to a Parcel Locker the <FacilityID> tag is required and used to determine destination address. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToZip5 |
需要 |
Recipient ZIP code. 例如:<ToZip5>12345</ ToZip5> 注意:Destination address ignored when <ParcelLocker>=true. When shipping to a Parcel Locker the <FacilityID> tag is required and used to determine destination address. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToZip4 |
Optional |
Recipient ZIP+4 extension. 例如:<ToZip4>1844</ToZip4> 注意:Destination address ignored when <ParcelLocker>=true. When shipping to a Parcel Locker the <FacilityID> tag is required and used to determine destination address. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ToPhone |
Optional |
Recipient Phone #. If value is entered, 10 digits are required (including area code), with no punctuation. 例如:<ToPhone>2125551234</ ToPhone> 注意: This field is used to return on the receipt only when <ServiceType>=PRIORITY EXPRESS. |
String |
pattern=\d{30} |
eVSRequest/ POBox |
Optional |
Indicates if destination address is a PO Box. Does not take precedent over Validated Destination Street Address, see <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>. 例如:<POBox>True</ POBox> |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ ToContactPreference |
Optional |
This indicates how the recipient will be notified that the package is available for pickup. Specify WAIVED if notification is not desired. 例如:<ToContactPreference>EMAIL</ ToContactPreference> 注意: Required when <ParcelLocker>=true; only EMAIL or EMAILSMS values permitted. |
String |
whitespace=collapse Enumerations= EMAIL EMAILSMS SMS WAIVED |
eVSRequest/ ToContactMessaging |
Optional |
This contains a text messaging address or is blank depending on the ToContactPreference tag. If the EMAILSMS or SMS enumeration is used in ToContactPreference, this value must be a syntactically valid email address. If EMAIL or WAIVED is used, this value must be blank. 例如:<ToContactMessaging>user@example.com</ ToContactMessaging> |
String |
maxLength=64 whitespace=collapse pattern=\w{0} pattern=([\w_\-\.]+)@(([\w-]+\.)+)[a-zA-Z]{2,4} |
eVSRequest/ ToContactEMail |
Optional |
This contains an email address or is blank depending on the ToContactPreference tag. If the EMAILSMS or EMAIL enumeration is used in ToContactPreference, this value must be a syntactically valid email address. If SMS or WAIVED is used, this value must be blank. 例如: <ToContactEMail>John.Smith@example.com </ ToContactEMail> 注意: Required when <ParcelLocker>=true |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ AllowNonCleansedDestAddr |
Optional |
Allows Non-Validated Destination Street Address. Enter true to bypass street address validation failures/errors or false if only validated addresses should be allowed. Address validation will always occur if a matched valid address exists. 例如:<AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>true</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> 注意: Integrators are recommended to always use false to ensure no delivery issues. In the event USPS cannot validate the street address, this tag will bypass address validation error when true is indicated to allow label creation which could impact delivery. The <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> excludes City, State, and ZIP Code which must be valid for a successful response. Reference https://pe.usps.com/text/pub28/28c2_001.htm. 注意: Not applicable when shipping to a Parcel Locker. |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ WeightInOunces |
需要 |
包裹重量。Items must weigh 70 pounds (1120 ounces) or less. 例如:<WeightInOunces>80</ WeightInOunces> |
String |
pattern=\d{0,4} |
eVSRequest/ ServiceType |
需要 |
Mail service type desired. 例如:<ServiceType>PRIORITY</ServiceType> 注意: For Priority Mail Cubic and Ground Advantage Cubic, the following is required: <ServiceType> must equal PRIORITY MAIL CUBIC or GROUND ADVANTAGE CUBIC <Container> must equal CUBIC PARCELS or CUBIC SOFT PACK <PriceOptions> can equal Commercial Plus or Commerical Base It is recommended to pass the largest Cubic dimension as Length in <Length> request tag and the second largest dimension as Width in <Width> request tag. 注意: When <ServiceType>=PARCEL SELECT DE: Additional permissions are required during setup otherwise an error will return. Contact your TIS representative for details. <POZipCode> request tag will be required to collect Destination Entry Facility ZIP Code and populate SSFv2.0 H1 pos. 7 Entry Facility ZIP Code field. |
String |
eVSRequest/ Container |
Optional |
Use to specify USPS containers/packaging or container attributes that may affect postage. If null value is supplied, then default container will be VARIABLE. 例如:<Container>统一邮资信封</Container> |
String |
eVSRequest/ Width |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length, Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages, the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight pricing or dimension validation reference DMM https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/index.htm |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
eVSRequest/ Length |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length, Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages, the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight pricing or dimension validation reference DMM https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/index.htm |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
eVSRequest/ Height |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length, Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages, the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight pricing or dimension validation reference DMM https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/index.htm |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
eVSRequest / Girth |
Optional |
Value must be numeric. Units are inches. If partial dimensions are provided, an error response will return. Length, Width, Height are required for accurate pricing of a rectangular package when any dimension of the item exceeds 12 inches. In addition, Girth is required only for a non-rectangular package in addition to Length, Width, Height when any dimension of the package exceeds 12 inches. For rectangular packages, the Girth dimension must be left blank as this dimension is to only be used for non-rectangular packages. For more details on dimensional weight pricing or dimension validation reference DMM https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/index.htm |
Decimal |
minExclusive=0.0 |
eVSRequest/ Machinable |
Optional |
Machinable parcels are defined as parcels less than or equal to 15x18x22 inches and less than or equal 25 pounds. Any parcel that exceeds either threshold (dimensions or weight) will be considered nonmachinable. 说明:The API will validate provided dimensions and/or weight to determine machinability. In this case the <Machinable> tag will be ignored. If these are not provided, then the <Machinable> tag will be used to designate if shipment is Machinable (True) or Nonmachinable (False). |
String |
Default=True Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ PriceOptions |
Optional |
Indicates pricing that should be returned. 例如:<PriceOptions>Commercial Base</PriceOptions> 注意:When <ServiceType>=PRIORITY MAIL CUBIC, <PriceOptions> must equal Commercial Plus. 注意:A value of Commercial Base will return Commercial prices if applicable. Reference USPS Notice 123 Price List. |
String |
Default=Commercial Base Enumerations= Commercial Plus Commercial Base |
eVSRequest/ InsuredAmount |
Optional |
Use this tag for entering an insurance amount, if applicable. 例如:<InsuredAmount>100.00</InsuredAmount> |
Decimal |
Default=0 minInclusive=0 maxInclusive=9999.99 totalDigits=8 whitespace=collapse |
eVSRequest/ AddressServiceRequested |
Optional |
You can request the USPS to alert you when a customer changes their address. This feature is especially useful to ensure correct billing. The words Address Service Requested will appear on the shipping label immediately below the return address. By using this tag, you will receive the following service with Priority Mail: For 12 months after an address change, the mail piece is forwarded at no charge. However, a separate notice of the new address is returned to you and an address correction fee is charged. For months 13-18 after an address change, the mail piece is returned with the new address attached at no charge. After 18 months, or if undeliverable, the mail piece is returned with the reason for nondelivery attached at no charge. For fees for this service with Package Services, refer to the Domestic Mail Manual. 例如:<AddressServiceRequested>True</AddressServiceRequested> |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ ExpressMailOptions |
Optional |
Groups Express Mail Delivery and Signature options. Valid when <ServiceType>=PRIORITY EXPRESS |
(group) |
eVSRequest/ ExpressMailOptions/ DeliveryOption |
Optional |
Indicates desired delivery option:
例如:<DeliveryOption>4</ DeliveryOption> |
String |
whitespace=collapse Default=1 Enumerations= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G |
eVSRequest/ ExpressMailOptions/ WaiverOfSignature |
Optional |
No Signature Required for Delivery. Enter True if you do not want a signature for receipt of the package or False if you do. 例如:<WaiverOfSignature>False</WaiverOfSignature> |
Boolean |
Default=True Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ ExpressMailOptions/eSOFAllowed |
Optional |
Electronic Signature On File Allowed. This value is used to allow retailers to request that Electronic Signature On File (eSOF) be overridden such that a physical or wet signature is required. This field should be populated with False to request that the use of eSOF be disallowed for the shipment. 注意: Integrators are allowed to populate <ExpressMailOptions> / <eSOFAllowed> for mail classes other than Priority Mail Express when eSOL is available. 例如:<eSOFAllowed>False</eSOFAllowed> |
Boolean |
Default=True Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ ShipDate |
Optional |
Date Package Will Be Mailed. Ship date may be today plus 0 to 7 days in advance. Enter the date in either format: dd-mmm-yyyy (i.e., 14-Feb-2011) or mm/dd/yyyy (i.e., 02/14/ 2011). If <ShipDate> value is not provided, the current date will be used for delivery date calculations. 例如:<ShipDate>02/14/2011</ShipDate> |
String |
Default=Current Date minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ CustomerRefNo |
Optional |
User-assigned Number for Internal Use. Up to 30 characters accepted but only 18 will be displayed on the shipping label image. 例如:<CustomerRefNo>XYZ 123</ CustomerRefNo> The <CustomerRefNo> value will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 21 Customer Reference Number field. 说明:The <PrintCustomerRefNo> must be set to true to be printed on the label. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ CustomerRefNo2 |
Optional |
User-assigned Number for Internal Use. Up to 30 characters accepted but only 18 will be displayed on the shipping label image. Will be positioned below the <CustomerRefNo> value on the label image. The <CustomerRefNo2> value will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 76 Customer Reference Number 2 field. 注意:Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 For example: <CustomerRefNo2>XYZ 123</ CustomerRefNo2> 说明:The <PrintCustomerRefNo2> must be set to true to be printed on the label. |
String |
minLength=0 |
Optional |
Groups extra services elements |
(Group) |
eVSRequest/ ExtraServices/ ExtraService |
Optional, repeating up to unbounded times |
Use to specify extra services.
注:When <ExtraService>=125 is indicated and insured amount is less than or equal to $100, the insurance price returned will be zero ($0.00) to reflect baked-in insurance. If insured amount is greater than $100, the insurance price returned will reflect an extra cost since baked-in insurance was exceeded. 注:APO/FPO/DPO+PTFAS locations (excluding Puerto Rico) support a limited list of HAZMAT options and will NOT display HAZMAT identifiers on the label. |
String |
whiteSpace=collapse Enumerations= 100 101 102 105 110 118 119 120 125 155 156 170 171 172 174 177 178 179 181 182 HAZMAT Services: 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 |
eVSRequest/ HoldForPickup |
Optional |
For future use. |
(Group) |
eVSRequest/ OpenDistribute |
Optional |
For future use. |
(Group) |
eVSRequest/ PermitNumber |
Optional |
For future use. |
String |
eVSRequest/ PermitZIPCode |
Optional |
For future use. |
String |
eVSRequest/ PermitHolderName |
Optional |
For future use. |
String |
eVSRequest/ CRID |
Optional |
Customer Registration ID, Represents Mail Owner CRID. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 20 CRID field. 例如:<CRID>544762</CRID> |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ MID |
Optional |
Mailer ID (MID), Represents Mail Owner MID. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 13 Mail Owner MID field. 例如:<MID>847654321</MID> |
String |
Length=6 or 9 positions if populated |
eVSRequest/ LogisticsManagerMID |
Optional |
The MID of the company that manages the mailing. 例如:<LogisticsManagerMID>489001</ LogisticsManagerMID> Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos 12 Logistics Manager MID field. 注意:If <LogisticsManagerMID> is populated, either CRID or MID must also be populated. |
String |
Length=6 or 9 positions if populated |
eVSRequest/ VendorCode |
Optional |
Code from vendor software to identify the developer of the shipping system. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 H1 pos. 15 Software Vendor Code field. 例如:<VendorCode>1234<VendorCode> |
String |
minLength=0 default=8300 |
eVSRequest/ VendorProductVersionNumber |
Optional |
Shipping softwares product version number. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 H1 pos. 16 Software Vendor Product Version Number field. 例如:<VendorProductVersionNumber>5.02.1B</VendorProductVersionNumber> |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ SenderName |
Optional |
The name of the person or company sending the USPS tracking email notification. 注意:No email is returned when generating a Sample (i.e., API=eVSCertify) request. |
String |
minLength=0 maxLength=50 |
eVSRequest/ SenderEMail |
Optional |
Email address of sender used for USPS tracking email notification. Valid email addresses must be used. 注意:<RecipientEMail> must be populated to generate USPS tracking email notification. If <SenderEMail> provided without <RecipientEMail>, USPS tracking email notification will not be generated. 注意:No email is returned when generating a Sample (i.e., API=eVSCertify) request. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ RecipientName |
Optional |
The name of the person or company receiving the USPS tracking email notification. If recipient name not provided, email will be addressed to <RecipientEMail> value provided. |
String |
minLength=0 maxLength=50 |
eVSRequest/ RecipientEMail |
Optional |
Email address of recipient receiving the USPS tracking email notification. This field is required to generate tracking email. Valid email addresses must be used. 注意:No email is returned when generating a Sample (i.e., API=eVSCertify) request. |
String |
minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ReceiptOption |
Optional |
Label & Receipt print layout options. Enter "SEPARATE PAGE" if you want the shipping label and online customer record printed on two separate pages, "SAME PAGE" if you want them printed on the same single page, or NONE if no receipt is requested. 例如:<ReceiptOption>SAME PAGE</ReceiptOption> 注意: When <ImageParameter> is of a 4X6 Portrait variation 4X6LABEL, 4X6LABELP, 4X6LABELP PAGE, 4X6ZPL203DPI, or 4X6ZPL300DPI; a receipt will return in <ReceiptImage> when SAME PAGE is selected. 注意: When <ImageParameter> = 4X6ZPL203DPI or 4X6ZPL300DPI a receipt is eligible to return in <ReceiptImage> but it will not be ZPL encoded. |
String |
eVSRequest/ ImageType |
需要 |
Label Image Type. 例如:<ImageType>PDF</ ImageType> 注意: All <ImageType> values are ignored when <ImageParameter>= 4X6ZPL203DPI or 4X6ZPL300DPI. |
String |
Enumerations= PDF TIF NONE |
eVSRequest/ HoldForManifest |
Optional |
Restricted use. Holds manifest record for possible inclusion in SCAN request. |
String |
Default=N Enumerations= Y N |
Optional |
Indicates if nine-digit routing ZIP code is included in the barcode. 例如:<NineDigitRoutingZip>False</ NineDigitRoutingZip> 注意: This request tag must equal true for a 9-digit ZIP to be included in the barcode otherwise, even if <ToZip4> is provided in the request it will not be present in the barcode. |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ ShipInfo |
Optional |
(Deprecated) Indicates if revenue protection information is printed on the label. 例如:<ShipInfo>False</ShipInfo> |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ CarrierRelease |
Optional |
Indicates if the CARRIER LEAVE IF NO RESPONSE is to be printed on the label. This endorsement cannot be applied to Express Mail or items requiring a signature at delivery (e.g., Signature Confirmation, Insurance > $500). 例如:<CarrierRelease>False</CarrierRelease> |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ DropOffTime |
Optional |
Indicates the time the package will be dropped off. Time is specified in military time. 例如:<DropOffTime>13:00</DropOffTime> |
Boolean |
eVSRequest/ ReturnCommitments |
Optional |
Indicates that the CommitmentName and Scheduled DeliveryDate will be returned in the response. 例如:<ReturnCommitments>False</ ReturnCommitments> |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ PrintCustomerRefNo |
Optional |
Print <CustomerRefNo> in the additional information section. 注意: For the <CustomerRefNo> value to print on the label you must also indicate True for the <PrintCustomerRefNo> tag. |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ PrintCustomerRefNo2 |
Optional |
Print <CustomerRefNo2> in the additional information section. 注意: For the <CustomerRefNo2> value to print on the label you must also indicate True for the <PrintCustomerRefNo2> tag. |
Boolean |
Default=False Enumerations= True False |
eVSRequest/ Content |
Optional |
Groups Content |
(Group) |
eVSRequest/ Content/ ContentType |
Conditionally Required (Required when Content grouping is included) |
Use to specify ContentType. Currently available types are:
例如:<ContentType>Lives</ContentType > 注意: A <ContentType> is not allowed if ParcelLocker is true. |
String |
Enumerations= CrematedRemains Lives Perishable Pharmaceuticals MedicalSupplies |
eVSRequest/ Content/ ContentDescription |
Conditionally Required |
Use to specify Content Description. Required when <ContentType>Lives</ ContentType> is supplied. Valid Values
For example:<ContentDescription>DayOldPoultry</ContentDescription> |
String |
Enumerations= Bees DayOldPoultry AdultBirds Other |
eVSRequest/ActionCode |
Optional |
Used to specify the SPE action code. Value is included in the Shipping Partner Event (SPE) file for customers who have chosen to have a Shipping Partner Event file submitted to USPS on their behalf. M0 Mailer Owner S0 Service Provider 例如:<ActionCode>M0</ActionCode> |
String |
Default=M0 Enumerations= M0 S0 |
eVSRequest/ OptOutOfSPE |
Optional |
Used to specify if a Shipping Partner Event (SPE) file will be created. Use false to create an SPE file. 例如:<OptOutOfSPE>false</OptOutOfSPE> 注意: This request tag is case sensitive. |
Boolean |
Default=true Enumerations= true false |
SortationLevel |
Optional |
Presort grouping of mail.
String |
Enumerations= 3D None NDC Mix SCF 5D |
eVSRequest/ DestinationEntryFacilityType |
Conditionally Required |
注意:Required when <ServiceType>= PARCEL SELECT DE.
String |
ContainerID1 |
Conditionally Required |
Barcode on container 1. 例如:<ContainerID1>222010127123456789912345</ContainerID1> 注意: Required when <DestinationEntryFacilityType>=DNDC or DSCF |
String |
maxLength=34, minLength=0 Alphanumeric (34) |
eVSRequest/ ContainerID2 |
Optional |
Barcode on container 2. 例如:<ContainerID2>222010127123456789912345</ContainerID2> |
String |
maxLength=34, minLength=0 Alphanumeric (34) |
eVSRequest/ ContainerID3 |
Optional |
Barcode on container 3. 例如:<ContainerID3>222010127123456789912345</ContainerID3> |
String |
maxLength=34, minLength=0 Alphanumeric (34) |
eVSRequest/ SortContainerType1 |
Conditionally Required |
Describes type of container for ContainerID1. 注意:Required if <ContainerID1> is populated
String |
maxLength=2, minLength=0 Enumerations= PT SK |
eVSRequest/ SortContainerType2 |
Conditionally Required |
Describes type of container for ContainerID2. 注意:Required if <ContainerID2> is populated |
String |
maxLength=2, minLength=0 Enumerations= PT SK |
eVSRequest/ SortContainerType3 |
Conditionally Required |
Describes type of container for ContainerID3. 注意:Required if <ContainerID3> is populated |
String |
maxLength=2, minLength=0 Enumerations= PT SK |
eVSRequest/ DiscountType |
Optional |
This tag is used to pass applicable discount codes. Refer to Pub199, Appendix J, Table 6 for the complete list of Discount Type codes https://postalpro.usps.com/pub199. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 59 Discount Type field. 例如:<DiscountType>D1</DiscountType> |
String |
maxLength=2, minLength=0 2-digit alphanumeric |
eVSRequest/ DiscountAmount |
Optional |
This tag is used to pass the discount fee. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 60 Discount Amount field. 例如:<DiscountAmount>20.00</DiscountAmount> |
Decimal |
maxLength=8, minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ SurchargeType |
Conditionally Required |
This tag is used to pass applicable surcharge codes. Refer to Pub199, Appendix J, Table 13 for the complete list of Surcharge Type codes https://postalpro.usps.com/pub199. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 57 Surcharge Type field. 例如:<SurchargeType>E2</<SurchargeType> 注意:Required when <NextDay>=Y. |
String |
maxLength=2, minLength=0 2-digit alphanumeric |
eVSRequest/ SurchargeAmount |
Conditionally Required |
This tag is used to pass the surcharge fee. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 D1 pos. 58 Surcharge Amount field. 例如:<SurchargeAmount>20.00</SurchargeAmount> 注意:Required when <NextDay>=Y. |
Decimal |
maxLength=7, minLength=0 |
eVSRequest/ ShipmentFeeCode |
Optional |
This tag is used to pass a Pickup on Demand fee code. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 H1 pos. 10 Shipment Fee Code field. 例如: <ShipmentFeeCode>PKF</ShipmentFeeCode> |
String |
maxLength=3, minLength=0 Alphanumeric (3) |
eVSRequest/ ExtraFeeForShipment |
Optional |
This tag is used to pass a Pickup on Demand fee. Will be used to populate the SSFv2.0 H1 pos. 11 Extra Fee for Shipment field. 例如:<ExtraFeeForShipment>20.00</ExtraFeeForShipment> |
Decimal |
maxLength=7, minLength=0 pattern= ^\d{1,4}([.]\d{1,2})?$ |
eVSRequest/ NextDay |
Optional |
Same Day/Next Day Program Indicator 注意:When Y, <SurchargeType> of E2 (Same Day/Next Day) and <SurchargeAmount> required otherwise an error will be returned. 注意: When Y, "SAME DAY DELIVERY" endorsement and carrier release CARRIER LEAVE IF NO RESPONSE" markings will be displayed on the label. 注意:<NextDay> indicator will take precedence over <CarrierRelease> tag when determining markings printed on the label. |
Boolean |
Default=N Enumerations= Y N |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents |
Conditionally Required for Customs Forms |
Required only if a domestic integrated customs form is required based on Destination, Customs Content Type, and Weight, usually when shipping to/from APO/FPO/DPO+PTFAS locations. |
(Group) |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail |
Required Once repeating up to 30 times |
Required once repeating up to 30 times if generating an Integrated Customs Form, otherwise not required |
(Group) |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / Description |
需要 |
Description of the item. Per international shipping regulatory mandates, shipments to European Union (EU) countries are required to contain a valid Harmonization Code and Content/Item description. To learn more about providing acceptable item descriptions, view the chart in Appendix D or read the EUs guidance on acceptable terms at Guidance on Acceptable and Unacceptable Terms for the Description of Goods. 注意: If an origin/destination combination requires an Integrated Customs Form, vague item descriptions will return an error: none, not applicable, n/a, null, gift, merchandise 例如:<Description>Policy guidelines document</Description> |
String |
minLength=2 maxLength=30 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail /Quantity |
需要 |
Quantity of the item. Integer value required. Required only if a domestic customs form is required. 例如:<Quantity>1</Quantity> |
Integer |
whitespace=collapse maxInclusive value=9999 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / Value |
需要 |
The data entered with this tag provides the value of the set of items. If the item is 2 boxes of 50 pens and the value of each box is $10.00, "20.00" (2 boxes x $10.00) should be entered. If the value of each pen is .25 then "25.00" (100 pens x .25) should be entered. Required only if a domestic customs form is required. 例如:<Value>55.00</Value> |
Decimal |
minExclusive value=0 totalDigits value=8 maxInclusive value=99999.99 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / NetPounds |
Conditionally Required |
Provide the pounds OR ounces component of the weight of the individual item listed in <ItemDetail>/<Description> when a domestic customs form is required. Net weight of all <ShippingContents> must be less than <WeightInOunces> if a customs form is required. 例如:<NetPounds>1</NetPounds> |
Integer |
totalDigits value=2 minInclusive value=0 maxInclusive value=70 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / NetOunces |
Conditionally Required |
Provide the ounces OR pounds component of the weight of the individual item listed in <ItemDetail>/<Description> when a domestic customs form is required. Net weight of all <ShippingContents> must be less than <WeightInOunces> if a customs form is required. 例如:<NetOunces>5</NetOunces> |
Decimal |
totalDigits value=5 minInclusive value=0 maxInclusive value=1120 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / HSTariffNumber |
Optional |
For commercial items only. HS Tariff Numbers must be based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System developed by the World Customs Organization. Per international shipping regulatory mandates, shipments to European Union (EU) countries are required to contain a valid Harmonization Code and Content/Item description. 例如:<HSTariffNumber>4901.10.0000</HSTariffNumber> |
String |
minLength=0 maxLength=17 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / CountryOfOrigin |
Optional |
The country where the goods originated, e.g., were produced, manufactured, or assembled. The <CountryOfOrigin> value entered must match an entry from the USPS-approved International Index of Countries (see http://pe.usps.com/text/imm/immctry.htm) and Localities or be "United States". 例如:<CountryOfOrigin>United States</CountryOfOrigin> |
String |
minLength=0 maxLength=100 |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / ItemCategory |
Optional |
Item Category. Per international shipping regulatory mandates, shipments to European Union (EU) countries are required to contain a valid Harmonization Code and Content/Item description. To learn more about providing acceptable item descriptions, view the chart in Appendix D or read the EUs guidance on acceptable terms at Guidance on Acceptable and Unacceptable Terms for the Description of Goods. |
String |
eVSRequest / ShippingContents / ItemDetail / ItemSubCategory |
Optional |
Item Subcategory. Per international shipping regulatory mandates, shipments to European Union (EU) countries are required to contain a valid Harmonization Code and Content/Item description. To learn more about providing acceptable item descriptions, view the chart in Appendix D or read the EUs guidance on acceptable terms at Guidance on Acceptable and Unacceptable Terms for the Description of Goods. |
String |
eVSRequest / CustomsContentType |
Conditionally Required |
Specifies the content of the package or envelope. Field required if a domestic integrated customs form is required based on Destination, Customs Content Type, and Weight. 例如:<CustomsContentType>DOCUMENTS</CustomsContentType> 注意: If the <CustomsContentType> value is DOCUMENTS and <WeightInOunces> is less than 16 oz. then a domestic customs form is not required. Integrators should include optional fields used for customs forms to pass data electronically to the SSF. Reference DMM for more information: http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/608.htm#1255642. |
String |
eVSRequest / ContentComments |
Optional |
Required tag if <CustomsContentType>=Other Enter any comments. 例如:<ContentComments>Parts</ContentComments> |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxLength=25 |
eVSRequest / RestrictionType |
Optional |
Restriction Types |
String |
minOccurs=0 Enumerations= Quarantine Sanitary Inspection Phytosanitary Inspection Other |
eVSRequest / RestrictionComments |
Optional |
Restriction Comments.Required when <RestrictionType>="Other |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AESITN |
Optional |
AES/ITN Exemption is a code that indicates the reason why you did not need to file electronic export information |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / ImportersReference |
Optional |
Importers Reference. The Importers Reference might be a tax code, importer code, or VAT number used for sales tax. P.S. Form 2976-A and P.S. Form 2976-B will print <ImportersReference> in the Importers Reference field. P.S. Form 2976 will optionally print <ImportersReference> in TO address block when <PrintImportersReference> is indicated true. 注意: Requires <ImportersReferenceType> to be specified if used. |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxLength=40 |
eVSRequest / ImportersContact |
Optional |
Importers Contact. Enter, if known, the Importers telephone number, fax number, or email address, as such information might facilitate customs clearance or delivery. |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / ExportersReference |
Optional |
Exporters Reference. The Exporters Reference might be a tax code, importer code, or VAT number used for sales tax. |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxLength=14 |
eVSRequest / ExportersContact |
Optional |
Exporters Contact. Enter, if known, the Exporters telephone number, fax number, or email address, as such information might facilitate customs clearance or delivery. |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / InvoiceNumber |
Optional |
Invoice Number |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=15 |
eVSRequest / LicenseNumber |
Optional |
License Number |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=16 |
eVSRequest / CertificateNumber |
Optional |
Certificate Number |
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=12 |
eVSRequest / NonDeliveryOption |
Optional |
In case package is undeliverable, enter one of the following: "RETURN" for package to be returned to <FromAddress> above. "REDIRECT" to return package to address specified in the below tags. "ABANDON" to dispose of undeliverable package. 例如:<NonDeliveryOption>RETURN</NonDeliveryOption> |
String |
eVSRequest / AltReturnAddress1 |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Suggested use of this tag is for the Recipient Name. 例如:<AltReturnAddress1>收件人姓名</AltReturnAddress1> |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AltReturnAddress2 |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Suggested use of this tag is the Recipient Address. Must be a valid address and include primary and secondary address information. 例如:<AltReturnAddress2>123 Main Ave Ste 1</ AltReturnAddress2> |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AltReturnAddress3 |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Suggested use of this tag is the Recipient City. |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AltReturnAddress4 |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Suggested use of this tag is the Recipient State. Use 2-letter USPS abbreviation. |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AltReturnAddress5 |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Suggested use of this tag is the Recipient ZIP Code. |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AltReturnAddress6 |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Suggested use of this tag is the Recipient ZIP+4 extension |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest / AltReturnCountry |
Optional |
Required when <NonDeliveryOption>=REDIRECT. Country. Tag must equal United States for this API. |
String |
minOccurs=0 |
eVSRequest/ LabelImportType |
Optional |
(Deprecated) |
String |
eVSRequest/ ePostageMailerReporting |
Optional |
Used to identify ePostage sender/mailer and include Sender information in SSF. 1 (ePostage sender info in SSF) 2 (ePostage sender info through DES) 3 (ePostage sender info using child MID) Verifies Sender informationsender fields are provided and must match From information when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 ePostageMailerReporting value used in SSF for PostageType |
String |
Enumerations= 1 2 3 |
eVSRequest/ SenderFirstName |
Optional |
First Name of Sender. 例如:<SenderFirstName>Adam </ SenderFirstName> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, maxLength=49 |
eVSRequest/ SenderLastName |
Optional |
Last Name of Sender. 例如:<SenderLastName>Smith </ SenderLastName> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, maxLength=75 |
eVSRequest/ SenderBusinessName |
Optional |
Values for Sender Business Name must be sent. 例如:<SenderBusinessName>USPS</ SenderBusinessName> |
String |
minLength=0, maxLength=100 |
eVSRequest/ SenderAddress1 |
Optional |
Sender address. Use this tag for complete sender address 例如:<SenderAddress1>123 Main St STE 150</ SenderAddress1> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, maxLength=148 |
eVSRequest/ SenderCity |
Optional |
Sender city. 例如:<SenderCity>BETHESDA</ SenderCity> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, maxLength=50 |
eVSRequest/ SenderState |
Optional |
Sender state. 例如:<SenderState>MD</ SenderState> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, maxLength=2 |
eVSRequest/ SenderZip5 |
Optional |
Sender ZIP code. 例如:<SenderZip5>20212</SenderZip5> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, pattern=d[5] |
eVSRequest/ SenderPhone |
Optional |
Sender Phone #. 10 digits required (including area code), with no punctuation. 例如:<SenderPhone>2125551234</ SenderPhone> Required when <ePostageMailerReporting>=1 |
String |
minLength=0, pattern=d[30] |
eVSRequest / ChargebackCode |
Optional |
Used in Shipping Services File v2.0 for G-10/OMAS labels. Contact your Technical Integration Specialist for details. |
String |
123456 (alphanumeric) |
eVSRequest / TrackingRetentionPeriod |
Optional |
Used to determine period of Retention for tracking data. Required when <ExtraService>= 181 or 182.
String |
minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 Enumerations= 0.5 1 3 5 7 |
eVSRequest/ReturnFees |
Optional |
Used to show additional pricing and package details. Include <Fees>=true in request to return <Fees> response tag with breakdown of fees applied to postage and <Attributes> response tag with package details. |
Boolean |
Default=false Enumerations= true false |
eVSRequest / OriginalTrackingNumber |
Optional |
Collects the original tracking number (i.e., IMpb) over labeled on the package. Value must be numeric and correspond to defined IMpb barcode lengths per USPS Pub 199. OriginalTrackingNumberConstruct must be provided when OriginalTrackingNumber is populated. |
String |
eVSRequest / FromContactPreference |
Optional |
This indicates how the sender will be notified that the package is available for pickup. Specify WAIVED if notification is not desired. 注意: Required when <ParcelLocker>=true 例如:<FromContactPreference>EMAIL</ FromContactPreference> |
String |
eVSRequest / FromContactMessage |
Optional |
This field collects phone number for SMS notifications. 注意: Required when <FromContactPreference>=SMS or EMAILSMS When <FromContactPreference>=WAIVED, this value must be blank. |
String |
eVSRequest / FromContactEMail |
Optional |
This field collects email address for EMAIL notifications. 注意: Required when <FromContactPreference>=EMAIL or EMAILSMS When <FromContactPreference>=WAIVED, this value must be blank. |
String |
eVSRequest / ParcelLocker |
Optional |
Used to indicate package will be shipped to a Parcel Locker. 例如:<ParcelLocker>=true |
Boolean |
Default=false Enumerations= true false |
eVSRequest / FacilityID |
Optional |
Used to specify Parcel Locker destination when shipping to a Parcel Locker. Required when <ParcelLocker>=true. FacilityID obtained from USPSParcelLockerLookup API. Used for destination address instead of ToAddress fields. |
String |
eVSRequest / ImportersReferenceType |
Optional |
Tax code / VAT no. / Importer Code 注意: Required when <ImportersReference> is used. |
String |
minOccurs=0 Enumerations= TAXCODE VAT IMPORTERCODE |
eVSRequest / OriginalTrackingNumberConstruct |
Optional |
Barcode construct code for <OriginalTracking>. Value must be valid 3-character IMpb barcode construct defined in USPS Pub 199 Appendix J Table 1. 例如:<OriginalTrackingNumberConstruct>C01</OriginalTrackingNumberConstruct> |
String |
eVSRequest / PrintImportersReference |
Optional |
A value of true will print the <ImportersReference> value on the P.S. Form 2976 in the upper left corner of the TO block section whenever a P.S. Form 2976 is returned by the response. |
Boolean |
Default=false enumeration= true false |
eVSRequest Request |
需要 |
(alias) |
Request: eVS - Domestic <eVSRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <Option></Option> <Revision>3</Revision> <ImageParameters> <LabelSequence> <PackageNumber>1</PackageNumber> <TotalPackages>1</TotalPackages> </LabelSequence> </ImageParameters> <FromName>Lina Smith</FromName> <FromFirm>Horizon</FromFirm> <FromAddress1>Apt 303</FromAddress1> <FromAddress2>1309 S Agnew Avenue</FromAddress2> <FromCity>Oklahoma City</FromCity> <FromState>OK</FromState> <FromZip5>73108</FromZip5> <FromZip4>2427</FromZip4> <FromPhone>1234567890</FromPhone> <POZipCode/> <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr>false</AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> <ToName>Tall Tom</ToName> <ToFirm>ABC Corp.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1/> <ToAddress2>1098 N Fraser Street</ToAddress2> <ToCity>Georgetown</ToCity> <ToState>SC</ToState> <ToZip5>29440</ToZip5> <ToZip4>2849</ToZip4> <ToPhone>8005554526</ToPhone> <POBox/> <ToContactPreference>email</ToContactPreference> <ToContactMessaging/> <ToContactEMail>talltom@aol.com</ToContactEMail> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>false</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> <WeightInOunces>32</WeightInOunces> <ServiceType>PRIORITY</ServiceType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>5.5</Width> <Length>11</Length> <Height>11</Height> <Machinable></Machinable> <PriceOptions/> <InsuredAmount>100.00</InsuredAmount> <AddressServiceRequested>true</AddressServiceRequested> <ExpressMailOptions> <DeliveryOption/> <WaiverOfSignature/> </ExpressMailOptions> <ShipDate></ShipDate> <CustomerRefNo>EF789UJK</CustomerRefNo> <CustomerRefNo2>EE66GG87</CustomerRefNo2> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService>120</ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <HoldForPickup/> <OpenDistribute/> <PermitNumber/> <PermitZIPCode/> <PermitHolderName/> <CRID>4569873</CRID> <MID>456789354</MID> <VendorCode>1234</VendorCode> <VendorProductVersionNumber>5.02.1B</VendorProductVersionNumber> <SenderName>Adam Johnson</SenderName> <SenderEMail>Adam1234d@aol.com</SenderEMail> <RecipientName>Robert Jones</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail>bobjones@aol.com</RecipientEMail> <ReceiptOption>SAME PAGE</ReceiptOption> <ImageType>PDF</ImageType> <HoldForManifest>N</HoldForManifest> <NineDigitRoutingZip>false</NineDigitRoutingZip> <CarrierRelease>False</CarrierRelease> <DropOffTime/> <ReturnCommitments>True</ReturnCommitments> <PrintCustomerRefNo>False</PrintCustomerRefNo> <PrintCustomerRefNo2>True</PrintCustomerRefNo2> <Content> <ContentType>Lives</ContentType> <ContentDescription>Bees</ContentDescription> </Content> <ActionCode>M0</ActionCode> <OptOutOfSPE>false</OptOutOfSPE> <SortationLevel/> <DestinationEntryFacilityType/> <ReturnFees>true</ReturnFees> </eVSRequest> Request: eVS returns integrated Customs Form required for APO/FPO/DPO+PTFAS destinations: <eVSRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <Option></Option> <Revision>3</Revision> <ImageParameters> <LabelSequence> <PackageNumber>2</PackageNumber> <TotalPackages>3</TotalPackages> </LabelSequence> </ImageParameters> <FromName>Joe Smith</FromName> <FromFirm>ABC Corp.</FromFirm> <FromAddress1>Apt 303</FromAddress1> <FromAddress2>1309 S Agnew Avenue</FromAddress2> <FromCity>Oklahoma City</FromCity> <FromState>OK</FromState> <FromZip5>73108</FromZip5> <FromZip4>2427</FromZip4> <FromPhone>5708208072</FromPhone> <POZipCode></POZipCode> <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr>false</AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> <ToName>Tom Collins</ToName> <ToFirm>XYZ Corp.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1></ToAddress1> <ToAddress2>PSC 0000</ToAddress2> <ToCity>DPO</ToCity> <ToState>AE</ToState> <ToZip5>09880</ToZip5> <ToZip4></ToZip4> <ToPhone>8005554526</ToPhone> <POBox>False</POBox> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>false</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> <WeightInOunces>36</WeightInOunces> <ServiceType>PRIORITY</ServiceType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>5</Width> <Length>5</Length> <Height>4</Height> <Machinable>True</Machinable> <PriceOptions></PriceOptions> <InsuredAmount>1000</InsuredAmount> <AddressServiceRequested>True</AddressServiceRequested> <ExpressMailOptions> <DeliveryOption></DeliveryOption> <WaiverOfSignature></WaiverOfSignature> </ExpressMailOptions> <ShipDate></ShipDate> <CustomerRefNo>EF789UJK</CustomerRefNo> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService></ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <HoldForPickup></HoldForPickup> <OpenDistribute></OpenDistribute> <PermitNumber></PermitNumber> <PermitZIPCode></PermitZIPCode> <PermitHolderName></PermitHolderName> <CRID></CRID> <SenderName>Joe Smith</SenderName> <SenderEMail>myemail@email.com</SenderEMail> <RecipientName>Tom XofY</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail>youremail@email.com</RecipientEMail> <ReceiptOption>Same Page</ReceiptOption> <ImageType>PDF</ImageType> <HoldForManifest>N</HoldForManifest> <NineDigitRoutingZip>False</NineDigitRoutingZip> <CarrierRelease>False</CarrierRelease> <ReturnCommitments>True</ReturnCommitments> <PrintCustomerRefNo>True</PrintCustomerRefNo> <Content> <ContentType>PERISHABLE</ContentType> </Content> <ShippingContents> <ItemDetail> <Description>Cleaning Wipes</Description> <Quantity>1</Quantity> <Value>15</Value> <NetPounds>2</NetPounds> <NetOunces>0</NetOunces> <HSTariffNumber>490110</HSTariffNumber> <CountryOfOrigin>UNITED STATES</CountryOfOrigin> </ItemDetail> </ShippingContents> <CustomsContentType>MERCHANDISE</CustomsContentType> <ContentComments>Wipes</ContentComments> <RestrictionType>Sanitary Inspection</RestrictionType> <RestrictionComments>Sanitary Wipes</RestrictionComments> <AESITN>12345678901234567890123456789012345</AESITN> <ImportersReference>123456789012345678901234567890</ImportersReference> <ImportersContact>Importers Contact: This field can be 50 chars long</ImportersContact> <ExportersReference>12345678901234</ExportersReference> <ExportersContact>Exporters Contact: This field can be 50 chars long</ExportersContact> <InvoiceNumber>Invoice89012345</InvoiceNumber> <LicenseNumber>License Number12</LicenseNumber> <CertificateNumber>CertificateX</CertificateNumber> <ReturnFees>false</ReturnFees> <ImportersReferenceType>TAXCODE</ImportersReferenceType> </eVSRequest> Request: eVS Parcel Select DE <eVSRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <Option></Option> <Revision>3</Revision> <FromName>Joe Smith</FromName> <FromFirm>ABC Corp.</FromFirm> <FromAddress1>Suite 101</FromAddress1> <FromAddress2>901 D Street SW</FromAddress2> <FromCity>Washington</FromCity> <FromState>DC</FromState> <FromZip5>20024</FromZip5> <FromZip4>2198</FromZip4> <FromPhone>5708208072</FromPhone> <POZipCode>73108</POZipCode> <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr>FALSE</AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> <ToName>Tom Collins</ToName> <ToFirm>XYZ Corp.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1/> <ToAddress2>200 Short Blvd</ToAddress2> <ToCity>Dallas</ToCity> <ToState>TX</ToState> <ToZip5>75232</ToZip5> <ToZip4>1300</ToZip4> <ToPhone>3018889999</ToPhone> <POBox/> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>FALSE</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> <WeightInOunces>5</WeightInOunces> <ServiceType>Parcel Select DE</ServiceType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>2</Width> <Length>2</Length> <Height>2</Height> <Machinable></Machinable> <InsuredAmount>600</InsuredAmount> <AddressServiceRequested>false</AddressServiceRequested> <ShipDate>10/03/2022</ShipDate> <CustomerRefNo>ABCDEFGH</CustomerRefNo> <CustomerRefNo2>ABCDEFGH</CustomerRefNo2> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService>100</ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <SenderName>Jose Abcdef</SenderName> <SenderEMail>abcd@example.com</SenderEMail> <RecipientName>Robert Meier</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail>abcd@ymail.com</RecipientEMail> <ReceiptOption>SAME PAGE</ReceiptOption> <ImageType>PDF</ImageType> <HoldForManifest>Y</HoldForManifest> <CarrierRelease>false</CarrierRelease> <ReturnCommitments>true</ReturnCommitments> <PrintCustomerRefNo>true</PrintCustomerRefNo> <PrintCustomerRefNo2>true</PrintCustomerRefNo2> <SortationLevel>None</SortationLevel> <DestinationEntryFacilityType>DNDC</DestinationEntryFacilityType> <ContainerID1>1234567890</ContainerID1> <ContainerID2>12345678901</ContainerID2> <ContainerID3>123456789012</ContainerID3> <SortContainerType1>PT</SortContainerType1> <SortContainerType2>SK</SortContainerType2> <SortContainerType3>PT</SortContainerType3> <DiscountType>D6</DiscountType> <DiscountAmount>12</DiscountAmount> <SurchargeType>E2</SurchargeType> <SurchargeAmount>100</SurchargeAmount> <ShipmentFeeCode>A14</ShipmentFeeCode> <ExtraFeeForShipment>123</ExtraFeeForShipment> <NextDay>Y</NextDay> </eVSRequest> Request: eVS With Non Standard Fees <eVSRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <Option></Option> <Revision>3</Revision> <ImageParameters> <ImageParameter>4X6LABELL</ImageParameter> </ImageParameters> <FromName>Joe Smith</FromName> <FromFirm>ABC Corp.</FromFirm> <FromAddress1></FromAddress1> <FromAddress2>430 blackman st.</FromAddress2> <FromCity>wilkes barre</FromCity> <FromState>PA</FromState> <FromZip5>18702</FromZip5> <FromZip4></FromZip4> <FromPhone>5708208072</FromPhone> <POZipCode>18702</POZipCode> <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr></AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> <ToName>Tom Collins</ToName> <ToFirm>XYZ Corp.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1>Suite 4D</ToAddress1> <ToAddress2>393 West Portal Avenue</ToAddress2> <ToCity>San Francisco</ToCity> <ToState>CA</ToState> <ToZip5>94127</ToZip5> <ToZip4></ToZip4> <ToPhone></ToPhone> <POBox></POBox> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr></AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> <WeightInOunces>2</WeightInOunces> <ServiceType>Parcel Select DE</ServiceType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>15</Width> <Length>17</Length> <Height>15</Height> <Machinable></Machinable> <PriceOptions></PriceOptions> <InsuredAmount></InsuredAmount> <AddressServiceRequested>true</AddressServiceRequested> <ShipDate>4/4/2022</ShipDate> <CustomerRefNo></CustomerRefNo> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService></ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <HoldForPickup></HoldForPickup> <OpenDistribute></OpenDistribute> <PermitNumber></PermitNumber> <PermitZIPCode></PermitZIPCode> <PermitHolderName></PermitHolderName> <CRID></CRID> <SenderName></SenderName> <SenderEMail></SenderEMail> <RecipientName>Robert Meier</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail></RecipientEMail> <ReceiptOption>SEPARATE PAGE</ReceiptOption> <ImageType>TIF</ImageType> <HoldForManifest></HoldForManifest> <NineDigitRoutingZip></NineDigitRoutingZip> <CarrierRelease></CarrierRelease> <ReturnCommitments>true</ReturnCommitments> <PrintCustomerRefNo></PrintCustomerRefNo> <Content> <ContentType></ContentType> <ContentDescription></ContentDescription> </Content> <SortationLevel>SCF</SortationLevel> <DestinationEntryFacilityType>DDU</DestinationEntryFacilityType> <ContainerID1>1234567890123456789012345678901234</ContainerID1> <ContainerID2>1234567890123456789012345678901234</ContainerID2> <ContainerID3>1234567890123456789012345678901234</ContainerID3> <SortContainerType1>PT</SortContainerType1> <SortContainerType2>PT</SortContainerType2> <SortContainerType3>PT</SortContainerType3> <HoldForContainer>Y</HoldForContainer> <DiscountType></DiscountType> <DiscountAmount>1234.123</DiscountAmount> <SurchargeType>E2</SurchargeType> <SurchargeAmount>100.00</SurchargeAmount> <ShipmentFeeCode></ShipmentFeeCode> <ExtraFeeForShipment>123.12</ExtraFeeForShipment> <NextDay>Y</NextDay> <ReturnFees>true</ReturnFees> </eVSRequest> Request: eVS Parcel Locker <eVSCertifyRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <Option>1</Option> <Revision>3</Revision> <ImageParameters> <ImageParameter>6X4LABEL</ImageParameter> <LabelSequence> <PackageNumber>1</PackageNumber> <TotalPackages>1</TotalPackages> </LabelSequence> </ImageParameters> <FromName>FROM NAME</FromName> <FromFirm>FROM FIRM</FromFirm> <FromAddress1>9700 Capital Ct</FromAddress1> <FromAddress2>Suite 201</FromAddress2> <FromCity>Manassas</FromCity> <FromState>VA</FromState> <FromZip5>20110</FromZip5> <FromZip4>2047</FromZip4> <FromPhone>7703092074</FromPhone> <POZipCode></POZipCode> <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr>false</AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> <ToName>TO NAME</ToName> <ToFirm>TO FIRM</ToFirm> <ToAddress1/> <ToAddress2></ToAddress2> <ToCity></ToCity> <ToState></ToState> <ToZip5></ToZip5> <ToZip4></ToZip4> <ToPhone>2022107444</ToPhone> <POBox/> <ToContactPreference>EMAIL</ToContactPreference> <ToContactMessaging/> <ToContactEMail>name@example.com</ToContactEMail> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>false</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> <WeightInOunces>5</WeightInOunces> <ServiceType>PRIORITY</ServiceType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>6</Width> <Length>6</Length> <Height>6</Height> <Machinable></Machinable> <PriceOptions/> <InsuredAmount></InsuredAmount> <AddressServiceRequested></AddressServiceRequested> <ShipDate>06/23/2023</ShipDate> <CustomerRefNo>CustRef1</CustomerRefNo> <CustomerRefNo2>CustRef2</CustomerRefNo2> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService></ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <VendorCode>1234</VendorCode> <VendorProductVersionNumber>5.02.1B</VendorProductVersionNumber> <SenderName>Sender Name</SenderName> <SenderEMail>senderemail@example.com</SenderEMail> <RecipientName>Recipient Name</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail>recipientemail@example.com</RecipientEMail> <ReceiptOption>SAME PAGE</ReceiptOption> <ImageType>PDF</ImageType> <HoldForManifest>N</HoldForManifest> <NineDigitRoutingZip>false</NineDigitRoutingZip> <CarrierRelease>false</CarrierRelease> <ReturnCommitments>true</ReturnCommitments> <PrintCustomerRefNo>true</PrintCustomerRefNo> <PrintCustomerRefNo2>True</PrintCustomerRefNo2> <OptOutOfSPE>true</OptOutOfSPE> <DestinationEntryFacilityType></DestinationEntryFacilityType> <ChargebackCode></ChargebackCode> <ReturnFees>true</ReturnFees> <FromContactPreference>EMAIL</FromContactPreference> <FromContactMessaging/> <FromContactEMail>fromemail@example.com</FromContactEMail> <ParcelLocker>true</ParcelLocker> <FacilityID>1437366</FacilityID> </eVSCertifyRequest> eVS Request with HSTarrifNumber and new Tags <eVSCertifyRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <Option>1</Option> <Revision>3</Revision> <ImageParameters></ImageParameters> <FromName>Joe Smith</FromName> <FromFirm>ABC Corp.</FromFirm> <FromAddress1></FromAddress1> <FromAddress2>430 blackman st.</FromAddress2> <FromCity>wilkes-barre</FromCity> <FromState>PA</FromState> <FromZip5>18702</FromZip5> <FromZip4>1234</FromZip4> <FromPhone>5708208072</FromPhone> <POZipCode></POZipCode> <AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr></AllowNonCleansedOriginAddr> <ToName>Tom Collins</ToName> <ToFirm>XYZ Corp.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1></ToAddress1> <ToAddress2>PSC 0000</ToAddress2> <ToCity>DPO</ToCity> <ToState>AE</ToState> <ToZip5>09468</ToZip5> <ToZip4></ToZip4> <ToPhone></ToPhone> <POBox></POBox> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr></AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> <WeightInOunces>17</WeightInOunces> <ServiceType>GROUND ADVANTAGE</ServiceType> <Container>VARIABLE</Container> <Width>30</Width> <Length>36</Length> <Height>12</Height> <Machinable></Machinable> <PriceOptions></PriceOptions> <InsuredAmount></InsuredAmount> <AddressServiceRequested>true</AddressServiceRequested> <ExpressMailOptions> <DeliveryOption></DeliveryOption> <WaiverOfSignature></WaiverOfSignature> </ExpressMailOptions> <ShipDate></ShipDate> <CustomerRefNo></CustomerRefNo> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService></ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <HoldForPickup></HoldForPickup> <OpenDistribute></OpenDistribute> <PermitNumber></PermitNumber> <PermitZIPCode></PermitZIPCode> <PermitHolderName></PermitHolderName> <CRID></CRID> <SenderName></SenderName> <SenderEMail></SenderEMail> <RecipientName>Robert Meier</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail></RecipientEMail> <ReceiptOption></ReceiptOption> <ImageType>TIF</ImageType> <HoldForManifest></HoldForManifest> <NineDigitRoutingZip></NineDigitRoutingZip> <CarrierRelease></CarrierRelease> <ReturnCommitments>true</ReturnCommitments> <PrintCustomerRefNo></PrintCustomerRefNo> <Content> <ContentType></ContentType> <ContentDescription></ContentDescription> </Content> <ShippingContents> <ItemDetail> <Description>Description 1</Description> <Quantity>9999</Quantity> <Value>1.11</Value> <NetPounds></NetPounds> <NetOunces>32</NetOunces> <HSTariffNumber>123456789012</HSTariffNumber> <CountryOfOrigin>Australia</CountryOfOrigin> <ItemCategory>shoes</ItemCategory> <ItemSubCategory>sneakers</ItemSubCategory> </ItemDetail> </ShippingContents> <CustomsContentType>DOCUMENTS</CustomsContentType> <ContentComments>1234567890123456789012345</ContentComments> <RestrictionType>Phytosanitary Inspection</RestrictionType> <RestrictionComments>1234567890123456789012345</RestrictionComments> <AESITN>12345678901234567890123456789012345</AESITN> <ImportersReference>123456789012345678901234567890</ImportersReference> <ImportersContact>Importers Contact: This field can be 50 chars long</ImportersContact> <ExportersReference>12345678901234</ExportersReference> <ExportersContact>Exporters Contact: This field can be 50 chars long</ExportersContact> <InvoiceNumber>Invoice89012345</InvoiceNumber> <LicenseNumber>License Number12</LicenseNumber> <CertificateNumber>CertificateX</CertificateNumber> </eVSCertifyRequest> |
Tag Name |
Occurs |
描述 |
类型 |
Validation |
eVSResponse |
需要 |
(group) |
eVSResponse / BarcodeNumber |
需要 |
Tracking / Confirmation number for the package. This tag returns a long form IMpb that includes routing information: 4202203592624xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
String |
eVSResponse / TrackingNumber |
需要 (Revision = 2) |
Tracking / Confirmation number for the package. This tag returns a shortened Impb that begins with the Channel Application ID: 92624xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TrackingNumber is available when <Revision> is greater than or equal to 2 |
String |
eVSResponse / LabelImage |
Optional |
Label image, if requested (where <ImageType> tag not None) |
base64Binary |
eVSResponse / ReceiptImage |
Optional |
Separate Receipt image, if requested using <ReceiptOptions> tag |
base64Binary |
eVSResponse / ToName |
需要 |
Name of Recipient |
String |
eVSResponse / ToFirm |
需要 |
公司名称 |
String |
eVSResponse / ToAddress1 |
需要 |
To Address Line 1 |
String |
eVSResponse / ToAddress2 |
需要 |
To Address Line 2 |
String |
eVSResponse / ToAddress2Abbreviation |
Optional |
USPS abbreviated address line 2 available when <Revision> is greater than or equal to 1 |
String |
eVSResponse / ToCity |
需要 |
To City |
String |
eVSResponse / ToCityAbbreviation |
Optional |
USPS abbreviated city available when <Revision> is greater than or equal to 1 |
String |
eVSResponse / ToState |
需要 |
To State |
String |
eVSResponse / ToZip5 |
需要 |
收件人邮政编码 |
String |
eVSResponse / ToZip4 |
需要 |
To ZIP Code+4 |
String |
eVSResponse / Postnet |
需要 |
String |
eVSResponse / RDC |
需要 |
String |
eVSResponse / Postage |
需要 |
Amount of Postage Required, does not include insurance or other extra service fees. |
Decimal |
eVSResponse / Postage ServiceType |
Required (Revision = 3) |
This attribute specifies the Service Type that was used to price and generate the label. Available when <Revision> is greater than or equal to 3 例如:<Postage ServiceType="GROUND ADVANTAGE">5.33</Postage> |
String |
eVSResponse / ExtraServices |
Optional |
(group) |
eVSResponse / ExtraServices / ExtraService |
Optional, repeating up to unbounded times |
Groups extra service information |
(group) |
eVSResponse / ExtraServices / ExtraService / ServiceID |
需要 |
Extra Service ID echoed from request |
String |
eVSResponse / ExtraServices / ExtraService / ServiceName |
需要 |
Extra Service name |
String |
eVSResponse / ExtraServices / ExtraService / Price |
需要 |
Extra Service fee |
Decimal |
eVSResponse / HoldForPickup |
Optional |
For future use. |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker |
optional |
Returns true or false. If true, additional fields for facility and contact information is returned. |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FacilityID |
需要 |
Required when <ParcelLocker> indicator is true. Returns the facility ID for location of available Parcel Locker. |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FacilityAddress |
需要 |
Returns the street address of the facility for the available Parcel Locker. |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FacilityCity |
需要 |
Returns the city of the facility for the available Parcel Locker. |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FacilityState |
需要 |
Returns the state of the facility for the available Parcel Locker. |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FacilityZip5 |
需要 |
Returns the 5 digit ZIP code of the facility for the available Parcel Locker. |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FacilityZip4 |
需要 |
Returns the additional 4 digit ZIP code of the facility for the available Parcel Locker. |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FromContactPreference |
需要 |
Returns the preference indicated by the integrator in the request: EMAIL, SMS, EMAILSMS, WAIVED |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / FromContactEmail |
需要 |
If EMAIL is selected as Contact Preference, the field will return the From Contact Email |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / ToContactPreference |
需要 |
Returns the preference indicated by the integrator in the request for the recipient: EMAIL OR EMAILSMS |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / ToContactMessaging |
需要 |
Returns the phone number for SMS Messaging notifications |
String |
eVSResponse / ParcelLocker / ToContactEmail |
需要 |
If EMAIL is selected as Contact Preference, the field will return the ToContactEmail |
String |
eVSResponse / Zone |
需要 |
Postal Zone. Indicates the number of postal rate zones between the origin and destination ZIP codes. |
String |
eVSResponse / DimensionalWeight |
Optional |
Dimensional Weight of package, if greater than specified in <WeightInOunces>. |
String |
eVSResponse / CarrierRoute |
需要 |
邮递路线 |
String |
eVSResponse / PermitHolderName |
需要 |
Permit Holder Name |
String |
eVSResponse/ InductionType |
需要 |
Permit Holder Induction Type |
String |
eVSResponse / LogMessage |
需要 |
A text message for integrators of this API. It may contain additional information about this particular request/response, or general information about the API or Web Tools. In typical implementations, whenever this tag is encountered, the message is written to the console log file for later analysis. |
String |
eVSResponse / Commitment |
Optional |
Returned when <ReturnCommitments> = true in the request. |
eVSResponse / Commitment / CommitmentName |
需要 |
Commitment name. Example 1-Day. |
String |
eVSResponse / Commitment / ScheduledDeliveryDate |
需要 |
投递日期。Format YYYY-MM-DD. Example 2015-06-03. |
String |
eVSResponse / Fees |
Optional |
Returned when Fees is True Dimensional weight pricing will include length and volume fees to account for cost of processing oversized parcels |
eVSResponse / Fee |
需要 |
String |
eVSResponse / Fee / FeeType |
需要 |
Indicates what type of Fee is being requested: - Non Standard Length Fee(s) - Non Standard Volume Fee(s) - Live Animal Transportation Fee(s) |
String |
eVSResponse / Fee / FeeType / FeePrice
需要 |
Fee price. See Notice 123 for fee applicability and pricing. |
String |
eVSResponse / Fees / Fee / FeeType / FeePrice / FeeInformation |
需要 |
Fee Information indicates the fee is <Rate> |
String |
eVSResponse / Fees / Fee / FeeType / FeePrice / FeeInformation / FeeInfo FeeInfoType=PriceType |
需要 |
Fee Information indicates the fee is <Rate> |
String |
eVSResponse / Attributes |
需要 |
When <ReturnFees> = True, the new Attributes tag will return to show Oversize fees and/or Dimensional Weight fees. Any future package attributes that impact a price returned will be included in the attributes tag. |
String |
eVSResponse / Attributes / AttributeKey |
需要 |
Attribute Key: DimensionalWeightR = RetailRate DimensionalWeightCB = Commercial Rate DimensionalWeightCP = Commerical Plus Rate Oversized |
String |
eVSResponse |
需要 |
(alias) |
Response Domestic <eVSResponse> <BarcodeNumber>4202944092682XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <TrackingNumber>92682XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</TrackingNumber> <LabelImage> <!-- over 115000 suppressed --> LabelImage> <ToName>TALL TOM</ToName> <ToFirm>ABC CORP.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1/> <ToAddress2>1098 N FRASER ST</ToAddress2> <ToCity>GEORGETOWN</ToCity> <ToState>SC</ToState> <ToZip5>29440</ToZip5> <ToZip4>2849</ToZip4> <Postnet>294402849981</Postnet> <RDC>0001</RDC> <Postage ServiceType="PRIORITY">27.06</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>120</ServiceID> <ServiceName>Adult Signature Restricted Delivery</ServiceName> <Price>8.65</Price> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <Zone>06</Zone> <CarrierRoute>C002</CarrierRoute> <PermitHolderName>Not Valid Test Label</PermitHolderName> <InductionType>eVS</InductionType> <LogMessage/> <Commitment> <CommitmentName>2-Day</CommitmentName> <ScheduledDeliveryDate>2025-XX-XX</ScheduledDeliveryDate> </Commitment> <Fees> <Fee> <FeeType>Live Animal Handling Fee</FeeType> <FeePrice>15.00</FeePrice> </Fee> </Fees> </eVSResponse> Response and creating a Military / PTFAS Integrated Customs Form: <eVSResponse> <BarcodeNumber>4200637192061XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <TrackingNumber>92061XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</TrackingNumber> <LabelImage>SUkqAAgAAAASAP4ABAAB<!-- over 115000 suppressed --></LabelImage> <ToName>TOM COLLINS</ToName> <ToFirm>XYZ CORP.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1/> <ToAddress2>PSC 0000</ToAddress2> <ToCity>DPO</ToCity> <ToState>AE</ToState> <ToZip5>09880</ToZip5> <ToZip4/> <Postnet/> <RDC>0001</RDC> <Postage ServiceType="PRIORITY">26.87</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>155</ServiceID> <ServiceName>USPS Tracking Electronic</ServiceName> <Price>0.00</Price> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <Zone>05</Zone> <CarrierRoute/> <PermitHolderName>Not Valid Test Label</PermitHolderName> <InductionType>eVS</InductionType> <LogMessage/> <Commitment> <CommitmentName>DPO</CommitmentName> <ScheduledDeliveryDate/> </Commitment> <Warning>Sender data will be ignored.</Warning> </eVSResponse> 《response: eVS Non Standard Fee <eVSResponse> <BarcodeNumber>4209412792612XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <TrackingNumber>92612XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</TrackingNumber> <LabelImage> <!-- over 115000 suppressed --> </LabelImage> <ToName>TOM COLLINS</ToName> <ToFirm>XYZ CORP.</ToFirm> <ToAddress1>STE 4D</ToAddress1> <ToAddress2>393 WEST PORTAL AVE</ToAddress2> <ToCity>SAN FRANCISCO</ToCity> <ToState>CA</ToState> <ToZip5>94127</ToZip5> <ToZip4>1411</ToZip4> <Postnet>941271411938</Postnet> <RDC>0001</RDC> <Postage ServiceType="PARCEL SELECT DE">21.93</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>155</ServiceID> <ServiceName>USPS Tracking Electronic</ServiceName> <Price>0.00</Price> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <Zone>08</Zone> <DimensionalWeight>24.0</DimensionalWeight> <CarrierRoute>C011</CarrierRoute> <PermitHolderName>Not Valid Test Label</PermitHolderName> <InductionType>eVS</InductionType> <LogMessage/> <Commitment> <CommitmentName>7 Days</CommitmentName> <ScheduledDeliveryDate>2023-XX-XX</ScheduledDeliveryDate> </Commitment> <Fees> <Fee> <FeeType>Nonstandard Volume fee > 2 cu. ft.</FeeType> <FeePrice>15.00</FeePrice> <FeeInformation> <FeeInfo FeeInfoType="MailEntry">DDU</FeeInfo> </FeeInformation> </Fee> <Fee> <FeeType>Nonstandard Volume fee > 2 cu. ft.</FeeType> <FeePrice>15.00</FeePrice> <FeeInformation> <FeeInfo FeeInfoType="MailEntry">DDU</FeeInfo> </FeeInformation> </Fee> </Fees> <Attributes> <Attribute Key="DimensionalWeight">24.0</Attribute> </Attributes> </eVSResponse> 《response: eVS Parcel Locker <eVSCertifyResponse> <BarcodeNumber>420220829999921129010XXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <TrackingNumber>921129010XXXXXXXXX</TrackingNumber> <LabelImage> <!-- over 115000 suppressed --> </LabelImage> <ToName>TO NAME</ToName> <ToFirm>TO FIRM</ToFirm> <ToAddress1/> <ToAddress2/> <ToCity/> <ToState/> <ToZip5/> <ToZip4/> <Postnet>99</Postnet> <RDC>0000</RDC> <Postage ServiceType="PRIORTY">7.64</Postage> <ExtraServices> <ExtraService> <ServiceID>155</ServiceID> <ServiceName>USPS Tracking Electronic</ServiceName> <Price>0.00</Price> </ExtraService> </ExtraServices> <Zone>01</Zone> <PermitHolderName>Not Valid Test Label</PermitHolderName> <InductionType>eVS</InductionType> <LogMessage/> <Commitment> <CommitmentName>1-Day</CommitmentName> <ScheduledDeliveryDate>2023-XX-XX</ScheduledDeliveryDate> </Commitment> <ParcelLocker> <FacilityID>1437366</FacilityID> <FacilityAddress>PO Box Locker</FacilityAddress> <FacilityCity>Reston</FacilityCity> <FacilityState>VA</FacilityState> <FacilityZip5>20190</FacilityZip5> <FacilityZip4>2000</FacilityZip4> <FromContactPreference>EMAIL</FromContactPreference> <FromContactEmail>fromemail@example.com</FromContactEmail> <ToContactPreference>EMAIL</ToContactPreference> <ToContactEmail>NAME@EXAMPLE.COM</ToContactEmail> </ParcelLocker> </eVSCertifyResponse> |
The eVS Cancel request allows an eVS label to be removed from processing. This functionality is available only if the eVS label has been held for manifest (i.e. <HoldForManifest>=Y is included in eVS label XML request) and the Shipping Services File v2.0 has not yet been created. Depending on customer profile setup, this transmission could occur for created labels every 15 minutes, at the end of the shipping day, or when a SCAN Form is manually triggered by the customer.
Scheme |
Host |
小道 |
https:// |
secure.shippingapis.com |
/ShippingAPI.dll? |
API=eVSCancel |
&XML=(see below) |
注意:GET HTTP requests have length restrictions, whereas POST HTTP requests do not. Please take this under consideration when determining the request-response method that you choose.
Tag Name |
Occurs |
描述 |
类型 |
Validation |
eVSCancelRequest |
需要 |
(Alias) |
eVSCancelRequest / USERID |
需要 |
This attribute specifies your Web Tools user ID. See the Developer's Guide for information on obtaining your USERID. 例如:USERID="XXXXXXX" |
eVSCancelRequest / PASSWORD |
需要 |
This attribute specifies your Web Tools password. See the Developer's Guide for information on your Password. 例如:PASSWORD="XXXXXXX" |
eVSCancelRequest / BarcodeNumber |
需要 |
Barcode Number of original label. Note: The eVSCancel API can contain only one package barcode in a single request. |
Length of 22, 30 or 34 numbers. |
eVSCancelRequest |
需要 |
(Alias) |
<eVSCancelRequest USERID="XXXXXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXXXXX"> <BarcodeNumber>4202944092682XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> </eVSCancelRequest> |
Tag Name |
Occurs |
描述 |
类型 |
Validation |
eVSCancelResponse |
需要 |
(Alias) |
eVSCancelResponse / BarcodeNumber |
需要 |
Returned in the eVS Label Request |
Length of 22, 30 or 34 numbers. |
eVSCancelResponse / Status |
需要 |
Success or Failure Indicator Cancelled Not Cancelled |
String |
eVSCancelResponse / Reason |
需要 |
Order Cancelled Successfully Order Already Cancelled Order Not Found |
String |
eVSCancelResponse |
需要 |
(Alias) |
《response: Order Cancelled Successfully <eVSCancelResponse> <BarcodeNumber>4202944092682XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <Status>Cancelled</Status> <Reason>Order Cancelled Successfully</Reason> </eVSCancelResponse> |
《response: Order Already Cancelled <eVSCancelResponse> <BarcodeNumber>4202944092682XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <Status>Not Cancelled</Status> <Reason>Order Already Cancelled</Reason> </eVSCancelResponse> |
《response: Order Not Found <eVSCancelResponse> <BarcodeNumber>4202944092682XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</BarcodeNumber> <Status>Not Cancelled</Status> <Reason>Order Not Found</Reason> </eVSCancelResponse> |
Figure 1: eVS PME Label Sample
Figure 2: eVS PM Label Sample
Figure 3: eVS Ground Advantage Label Sample
Figure 4: eVS Library Mail Label Sample
Figure 5: eVS Media Mail Label Sample
Figure 6: eVS BPM Label Sample
Figure 7: eVS PM Cubic Label Sample
Figure 8: eVS Domestic Integrated Customs Form Label Sample (PS Form 2976A)
Figure 9: eVS Domestic Integrated Customs Form Label Sample (PS Form 2976B)
Figure 10: eVS Domestic Integrated Customs Form Label Sample (PS Form 2976A)
Figure 11: eVS Domestic Integrated Customs Form Label Sample (PS Form 2976)
Figure 12: eVS PSDE Label Sample
Figure 13: eVS Parcel Locker Label Sample
Web Tools allows the eVS Domestic Label API to identify Global Direct Entry (GDE) customers and verify that mail classes and extra services provided in the request are supported by GDE when generating eVS labels. GDE-specific Service Type Codes (STCs) are supported within the eVS Domestic Label API (API=eVS) for use in the barcode and Shipping Services File. Onboarding and setup configuration is required prior to initial use of the eVS Label API. Customers participating the GDE program should first contact their TIS representative for initial onboarding before using the eVS API.
Web Tools allows eVS Domestic Label API to generate labels destined to a Parcel Locker.
Overview of Web Tools APIs supporting USPS Parcel Lockers:
Parcel Locker Lookup API (API=USPSParcelLockerLookup) allows integrators to find a Parcel Locker location that fits the package being shipped. This API collects address/ZIP Code search criteria + package dimensions to return Parcel Locker locations (identified by unique <FacilityID>) and geolocations that 1) are located within the search criteria and 2) have a locker that fits the dimensions of the package to support delivery to that parcel locker location.
Domestic Price Calculator API (API=RateV4) allows integrators to determine if their package characteristics (e.g., mail class, extra service) are eligible to ship to a parcel locker. Integrators should use <Service> request tag attribute Delivery Option and specify ParcelLocker (i.e., <Service DelOpt=ParcelLocker></Service>) to return eligibility for delivery to a Parcel Locker.
eVS Domestic Label API (API=eVS) allows integrators to generate a shipping label to a Parcel Locker and results in the creation of a Shipping Services File. To generate an eVS Parcel Locker label, integrators should include the following inputs in their request:
o Parcel Locker indicator (i.e., <ParcelLocker>=true) used to indicate shipment destination is to a Parcel Locker.
o Facility ID (i.e., <FacilityID>) used to indicate the desired Parcel Locker location for delivery. When shipping to a Parcel Locker this value is required and used as the destination address printed on the label instead of the ToAddress fields. FacilityID values are obtained as the output of the Parcel Locker Lookup API (API=USPSParcelLockerLookup).
o <ToContactPreference> used for recipient notifications. Only values of EMAIL or EMAILSMS allowed.
o <ToContactEMail> collects email address used for recipient notifications.
o <FromContactPreference> used for sender notifications.
o <FromContactEMail> collects email address used for sender notifications.
Machinable parcels are defined as parcels less than or equal to 15" x 18" x 22" inches and less than or equal 25 pounds. Any parcel that exceeds either threshold (dimension or weight) will be considered nonmachinable.
<ServiceType> |
<DestinationEntryFacilityType> |
Category (<ItemCategory>) |
SubCategory (<ItemSubCategory>) |
Appliances, Parts & Accessories |
Air Compressors Bathroom Appliances Clothing Iron Coffee Makers, Toasters & Other Heat-generating Kitchen Appliances Cutting Blades Fans Food Grinders Heaters, Radiators & Air Conditioning Units Mechanical Kitchen Appliances Microwave Ovens Other Household Appliances Other Kitchen Appliances Oven, Cooktops & Ventilating Hoods Refrigerators & Freezers Sewing Machines Sinks, Toilets & Bathtubs Vacuum Cleaners Washing Machines & Dryers Weighing Scales |
Arts & Collectibles |
Antique Hand-Painted & Hand-Drawn Art Antiques Over 100 Years Old Archaeological, Zoological & Historical Collector's Pieces Art Paint & Brushes Art Prints Blank Art Canvas Coin Hand-Painted & Hand-Drawn Art Non-Original Wooden Art Original Prints & Engravings Original Sculptures & Carvings Sewing Materials Stamp Collections Statuettes and Ornaments |
Automotive & Vehicles |
Aircraft & Parts Bicycles & Accessories Car, Truck & Tractor Parts Cranes Diesel-powered Cars & Trucks Electric Cars & Trucks Gas-powered Cars & Trucks Motorcycle & Bicycle Parts Motorcycles Railway & Tramway Vehicles & Parts Scooters & Chairs for the Disabled & Parts Ship & Boat Parts Ships & Boats Spacecraft & Parts Special Vehicles (e.g., Fire Trucks, Cement Mixers, etc.) Tractors & Work Trucks Trailers |
Beauty & Health |
Air Fresheners & Incense Bath & Hand Soap Bath salts Contact Lenses Contraceptives Dental Fittings & Hygiene Feminine Hygiene Hair Cutting Tools Hair Dryers, Straighteners & Curlers Make-up Manicure & Pedicure Sets Massage Tools Medicine, Ointments, First Aid & Bandages Other Hygiene Pedometer Perfume & Deodorant Personal Medical Equipment Shampoo & Hair Products Shaving & Waxing Vaccines, Blood, & Cell Cultures |
Books, Movies & Music |
Books & Brochures Catalogs Coloring Books DVDs, CDs, Tapes & Other Recorded Media Maps & Globes Music Boxes Musical Instruments & Parts Newspapers, Journals & Magazines Printed Decals Sheet Music |
服饰与配件 |
Baby Clothes Belts & Buckles Fabric Material Glasses & Sunglasses Gloves and Mittens Hats & Headgear Hoodies, Sweaters & Cardigans Luggage, Backpacks, Bags & Wallets Men's & Boys' Jackets, Shirts & Suits Men's & Boys' Pants & Swimwear Men's & Boys' Underwear & Pajamas Other Clothing Accessories Shoes & Accessories Socks, Pantyhose & Tights Ties & Scarves Used Clothing Wigs & False Hair Women's & Girls' Jackets, Shirts & Dresses Women's & Girls' Pants, Skirts & Swimwear Women's & Girls' Underwear & Pajamas |
Electronics, Computers & Cameras |
Audio-playing Devices Batteries & Power Banks Cables & Connectors Cameras, Video Cameras & Parts Chargers Computer Parts & Accessories Device Cases & Bags DVD & Blu-ray Players Gift, Credit & Smart Cards GPS Devices & Radios Laptops & Desktops Electrical Parts Smoke Detectors & Alarms Speakers, Headphones & Microphones Streaming Service Devices Telephones & Smartphones Televisions & Projectors Traffic & Safety Signal Equipment Video Game Consoles & Games |
Food & Groceries |
Alcoholic Beverages Baby Formula Chocolate & Cocoa Products Coffee, Tea & Mate Dairy & Eggs Extracts & Concentrates Fats & Oils Fruit Fruit & Nut Mix Grains & Flour Jams & Jellies Live Fish & Seafood Meat & Fish Nuts Other Food Items Sauces Soda & Other Drinks Soups & Broths Spices & Sugar Syrup & Molasses Tobacco Products & E-cigarettes Treats Vegetables & Other Plants |
Home & Garden |
Adhesives & Tape Animal Hides & Parts Artificial Plants & Flowers Bedding & Towels Candles Clocks & Parts Clothing Hangers Containers & Baskets Curtains Electric Kitchen Appliances Furniture Household Cleaners & Trash Bags Lamps & Lighting Live Plants & Fresh Flowers Mirrors Other Household Items Other Outdoor & Garden Items Rugs & Mats Sacks & Bags Safes & Strong-boxes Statuettes & Other Decor Tableware & Kitchenware Toilet Paper, Napkins & Tablecloths |
Industrial, Scientific & Machinery |
Agricultural & Food Machinery Batteries & Accumulators Buttons & Mannequins Dies & Tanning Extracts Electric Parts, Electronic Waste & Scrap Energy-generating Equipment Explosives & Combustibles Industrial Animal Products Industrial Furnaces & Ovens Industrial Glass Items Industrial Metal Items Industrial Plastic Items Industrial Rubber Items Industrial Stone & Cement Items Industrial Textile Items Industrial Vacuum Cleaners Industrial Washers & Dryers Industrial Wood Items Laboratory Equipment Magnets Measuring Equipment Medical Equipment Metal-working Machinery Motors & Generators Moulds Navigation & Surveying Equipment Ores, Mineral Fuels & Oils Organic Compounds Other Chemical Products Other Electrical Machinery & Parts Other Industrial Machinery Other Industrial Machinery Parts Other Minerals & Stone Packing Materials & Containers Precious Metal Compounds & Inorganic Chemicals Printing & Paper Machinery Railway Materials Semiconductor-producing Machinery Textile Machinery Transformers Vegetative Materials Vending Machines Welding Equipment |
Jewelry & Watches |
Imitation Jewelry & Parts Jewelry Boxes & Cases Jewelry of Pearls or Precious Metal & Parts Pearls & Precious Stones Precious Metals Watches & Parts |
Office Products |
Account Books, Receipt Books & Binders Adhesive & Tape Calculators Calendars Chalkboards & Dry Erase Boards Documents & Business Cards Erasers Filing Cabinets & Trays Letter Openers Other Mathematical Tools Other Plastic School Supplies Paper & Paperboard Pencil Sharpeners, Staplers & Other Office Machines Pens & Pencils Printers & Ink Safety Pins, Paper Clips & Staples Scissors Stamps |
Pet Supplies |
Cages & Accessories Fish Tanks, Terrariums & Accessories Food Bowls Leashes, Harnesses & Saddles Litter Box Pet Beds Pet Food Pet Toys |
Sports & Outdoors |
Air Mattresses & Sleeping Bags Air Pumps Binoculars & Telescopes Camping Backpacks & Sports Bags Compasses Firearms & Weapons Firewood & Charcoal Fireworks & Flares Fishing Gear Grills & Stoves Hammocks Lamps & Flashlights Matches & Lighters Pans & Dutch Ovens Sports Equipment & Balls Tents, Tarps & Rope Umbrellas Walking Sticks & Whips Water Sports Winter Sports |
Tools & Construction materials |
Carpel, Flooring and Tile Doors & Windows Hand Tools Lawn Equipment Lumber & Furniture Wood Metal Mountings Moulding Patterns & Engineering Drawings Nails, Screws & Bolts Other Equipment Other Metal Equipment Paint, Varnish & Paint Thinner Pipes & Hoses Power Tools & Parts Pulleys, Winches & Generators Pumps, Compressors & Generators Roofing Safety Gear & Scaffolding Stone, Gravel & Brick Tape, Construction Adhesive & Putty Wire & Rods |
玩具和游戏 |
Amusement Park Equipment Arcade Games Games & Puzzles Other Toys Wheeled Toys |